Lorraine Hellwig
Lorraine Hellwig’s photographical and artistic work explores human-made systems and their impact on the individual. It involves topics of digitalization, capitalism or the liberation from binary gender roles in society.
Her installations fuse together photography, short writings, videos and wall-sized collages, diving into the search for translation and solutions of environmental and societal topics, always remaining on a personal, accessable level.
She calls this approach NEO NEO DADA or POST ART.
Next to her work as a reportage and portrait photographer, Lorraine published her written manifesto “Y” , contributed a monthly portrait column in Freundin magazine and founded 2020 the FAKE FACTORY in Paris, a platform for collaborations in between design, art and activism.
Lorraine won 2018/19 the young German photography award „Gute Aussichten“ and 2024 the funding award for photography Munich and exhibited a.o. in Mexico CIty, Hanoi, Istanbul and Hamburg.