Simomo Bouj
Dancer and curator Simomo Bouj moves, moves others, and is moved by others, in many different contexts: inside and outside, professional and non-professional. Simomo holds space and helps activate it collectively. With diverse (cultural, professional, moving) skills that find origins from Morocco to here. With a varied dance background: starting ‘on the streets’ where they danced hip-hop and at the Royal Conservatory of contemporary dance in Antwerp.
Simomo has also started a Master’s research program at ISAC (Institut Supérieur des Arts Chorégraphiques) within the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Brussels, continuing his research, coaching fellow artists, dancing, and co-directing with artists such as Connor Schumacher, Aukje Decker, Fazle Shairmahomed, and Bruin Jackson. As a pluralist, Simomo is also active in various collectives and alliances like Sexyland WORLD and Queer 365. Bouj is also the adjunct director of NO LIMITS! ART CASTLE, an art space that exposes/ initiates and researches collaborations between the Outsider- and Insider-art world. Bouj loves to question the value of art and the artist.