Geert Vlieger
Geert Vlieger (1989) was born in the south of the Netherlands in the province of Brabant but nowadays lives in Amsterdam. In 2021 Geert moved away from his management position in the cultural sector to become an audio documentary maker. He wanted to explore the world more by meeting and interviewing a great amount of people, learning about their lives. In addition to audio documentaries, Geert also makes talkshow podcasts and music. In these productions, he tries to show that we are all human and therefore part of nature. He wants people to continue to try to understand each other and to stay connected to each other. Just like nature does so beautifully. In his opinion, this is the only way we can move forward and meet the challenges we face together. Through the Oorzaken Academy (2022), Geert worked on his debut audio documentary Ko en de Boomgaard (DOCS, VPRO) and subsequently developed further as a maker in which his love for nature and culture predominates. Currently, he is researching the artistic paths of Kevin Osepa, Marcel van den Berg and Mirre Yayla Séur while they are working in the middle of an audience at Buro Stedelijk’s Central Space in the Stedelijk Museum of Amsterdam.