Emily Pethick
Emily Pethick has been the director of the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam since 2018. She was previously the director of The Showroom, London (2008–2018), the director of Casco, Office for Art, Design and Theory, in Utrecht (2005-2008) and curator at Cubitt, London (2003-2004). She has contributed to numerous publications and co-edited books, including mongraphs by Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Ricardo Basbaum, Dave Hullfish Bailey and The Otolith Group, and readers Artistic Ecologies: New Compasses and Tools (2022), Cluster: Dialectionary (2014), Circular Facts (2011), Casco Issues X and X (all Sternberg Press). She has participated in numerous juries for artist awards, including the 2017 Turner Prize.