Current press release
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On 27 February 2025, Buro Stedelijk debuts Manifestation #54: Shifting | Spirit | Time, an ambitious new multi-screen film installation by acclaimed poet, artist, and filmmaker Julianknxx. Known for his extensive research and commitment to (re)visiting places and people for collaboration, this latest work builds on the artist’s performance Chorus in Flight presented in May 2024 on the steps of the Stedelijk Museum with the Memoria Collective, conducted by Elique Curiel, in collaboration with Metro54.
Transforming it into a living, evolving memory, Shifting | Spirit | Time weaves past and present through fresh footage and reimagined elements, exploring how repetition and reflection shape the growth of both art and memory. This poetic encounter expands into a powerful new installation, offering a rich sensory experience where poetry, song, and moving-image converge.
“We once sang a song of old words, mapping time into the archive of the body.”
– Julianknxx
Through repetition, Julianknxx transforms sound into material, inviting audiences to consider how memory, language, and culture echo through generations. A single repeated refrain – ‘Wai Wai Wai’ – binds the choral voices together, underscoring how sound and attunement can enable the survival of cultural memory. Here, the rhythmic chant becomes a meditation, a celebration, and a reminder of the ways in which sound and rhythm can connect us across time and space.
Themes of connection, loss, generational inheritance, and belonging create a layered narrative that moves from poem to song, from sound to stance, transforming ‘Wai’ into ‘Way’. Drawing inspiration from Fred Moten’s words—“We are sent in history, we send history”—Julianknxx explores how sound and collective memory can transcend borders and historical divides, prompting viewers to ask: “How do you move a poem from the page into the visual space? Give it texture, sound, that emotion.” The choir becomes a metaphor for community and encourages new perspectives on what it means to be caught between, and to be of, multiple places.
This commission positions European thought as a crossroads, engaging intellectual inquiries that span Africa, the Caribbean, and North America while challenging national borders and dominant narratives. More than a visual artwork, the manifestation is a ritual—a sacred act of remembrance, a space where grief and memory are cradled, honoured, and allowed to breathe.
In ode to the birthplace of the artist’s earlier work Chorus in Rememory of Flight first presented at the Barbican Curve in London in 2023, and later at Metro54 in Amsterdam in 2024, a fresh chapter unfolds in Shifting | Spirit | Time, with the presentation of And If a Tree Sees It All – a new video installation weaving poetry and cinematic meditation. At its heart stands ‘De boom die alles zag’ (‘The Tree Which Saw Everything’) – a steadfast sentinel of Amsterdam Southeast. For thirty years, this tree has borne silent testimony to the Bijlmermeer disaster, its enduring presence a poignant emblem of resilience, collective sorrow, and the intertwined histories of a mourning community. For this presentation, a new edit has been made including material shot in Amsterdam in May 2024.
Manifestation #54: Shifting | Spirit | Time promises to be a landmark moment in contemporary art, encouraging deep listening, cultural reflection, and new ways of experiencing history through sound and movement.

Paulus Potterstraat 13 / Museumplein 10
27 February 2025 – 24 April 2025
Opening night: 27 February, 18:30 – 20:30
Open daily with Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam ticket (Museumplein 10): 10:00 – 18:00
Buro Stedelijk is a hybrid art space that celebrates community and encourages experiment and boundary-pushing art. As a decentralized observatory, it is attentive to community needs and promotes artistic expression. By fostering collaboration between artists, communities, and institutions, Buro Stedelijk aims to inspire new perspectives and active civic participation. A place where curators, artists and other makers have the freedom to create and present new work which will give fresh impetus to Amsterdam.
For more information, visits or interview requests, please contact Leroy Aznam via or +31(0)6 242 832 57.
Julianknxx keert terug naar Amsterdam met een nieuwe multiscreen-filminstallatie die de grenzen van performance, film en geluid verlegt. Op 27 februari 2025 presenteert Buro Stedelijk de première van Manifestation #54: Shifting | Spirit | Time, een ambitieuze nieuwe installatie van de veelgeprezen dichter, kunstenaar en filmmaker. Bekend om zijn diepgaande onderzoek en toewijding aan het (her)bezoeken van plaatsen en mensen voor samenwerking, borduurt dit werk voort op zijn performance Chorus in Flight, die in mei 2024 werd gepresenteerd op de trappen van het Stedelijk Museum met het Memoria Collective onder leiding van Elique Curiel.
Shifting | Spirit | Time transformeert deze performance in een levende, steeds evoluerende herinnering. Het verweeft verleden en heden met nieuwe beelden en heruitgevonden elementen, en onderzoekt hoe herhaling en reflectie de groei van zowel kunst als herinnering vormgeven. Deze poëtische ontmoeting wordt uitgebreid tot een krachtige nieuwe installatie die een rijke zintuiglijke ervaring biedt, waar poëzie, zang en bewegend beeld samenkomen.
“We once sang a song of old words, mapping time into the archive of the body.”
– Julianknxx
Met herhaling verandert Julianknxx geluid in iets tastbaars en nodigt hij het publiek uit om na te denken over hoe herinneringen, taal en cultuur door generaties heen doorklinken. Het steeds terugkerende refrein – ‘Wai Wai Wai’ – brengt de stemmen van het koor samen en laat zien hoe geluid en ritme kunnen helpen om culturele herinneringen levend te houden. Deze ritmische chant is niet alleen een meditatie, maar ook een viering en een krachtige herinnering aan hoe geluid en ritme ons door tijd en ruimte heen kunnen verbinden.